They waited til the interviews to ask when their first raise would be? I thought today kids ask when they are writing their cover letters.
Yes, work ethic, tenure, and loyalty seem to be out. Heck, my company offers “summer hours.” I laugh. It’s another major auto OEM.
In general, kids from Northwestern will outperform De Paul - if you look at long term growth. I see the point though - a lot more of Northwestern likely comes from wealthy families who sent their kids to expensive private schools. Other kids have to use grit and determination. Engineering is engineering - if they are ABET, they’re going to learn the same stuff.
As a Northwestern wannabe - turned down for both undergrad and MBA, I love the school. My sample size is just two kids of friends of mine - and both were wonderful and have done very well.
As for lecacy, I don’t know about NU and about aunts, etc. But I have read a lot where at the elite schools, they are starting to minimize the importance because the legacies are overwhelmingly white and they are trying to get more under represented populations. No doubt at the 2nd tier schools, they would love the legacies.
The chain was very old but I went and looked back - and I just said a Norhwestern type school - meaning your student is great. Maybe that means Notre Dame, Rice, Vandy, WUSTL…or maybe you mix it up and go for a LAC - like a Swarthmore??
I’m sure your son will have wonderful opportunities - as long as he has those targets and safeties. I was reading back and I said Purdue is a safety and I believe it is. Or a low reach. Others disagred. But schools like Pitt, Michigan State, Case Western - all wonderful and if those are his fallbacks, he’ll have no issues.
Good luck.