I don't know what to do....

<p>Alright so I want to major in hospitality. So I did my research and decided to apply to the best: Cornell. I got accepted , and they're giving me $49,000 a year. I also got into Boston University, and they're giving me about $50,000 a year. My parents are willing to help me pay for BU by using my dad's annuity as long as I stay in Boston and help pay it back. But I'm pretty sure if I go to Cornell, I'm on my own. My parents and I are worried that I won't be able to find a job that will allow me to help them pay the annuity. I'm pretty sure I'd have to get student loans. So should I stay in boston and pay help my parents pay back the annuity? Or should I get student loans and go to cornell? </p>

<p>Run the numbers for both places here: <a href=“Your Guide for College Financial Aid - Finaid”>Your Guide for College Financial Aid - Finaid;

<p>If your dad has to tap into his retirement fund to pay for your college education, it is possible that neither of these is affordable. In which case, consider taking a year off, getting some industry experience, and looking around for options that you and your family can pay for.</p>

<p>Cornell’s hospitality program is either the best one in the country or close to it. You would have your pick of jobs IF you do well in the program (obviously, doing poorly wouldn’t help in finding jobs) and probably paid internships, too.
How much in student loans are you talking about? The $5,500 federal loans or more?
Rather than listing the scholarship amounts, can you list net cost at each, ie., (tuition+fee + room&board) - (scholarships/grants)?</p>