<p>I was your stereotypical, 6 hours of sleep a night hardworker for the first semester of freshman year. And it paid off with my grades.</p>
<p>However, now I'm just kind of unmotivated. I can't really get myself to work that hard, and I'm worrying less and less about getting into medical school. I think it might be because I am too confident in my ability to do well when I want to, and my distrust in the system of grading and graduate school applications. I got below the mean for the first time ever on a test last weekend, and I just hung out with friends, laughed, and played computer games like I normally do. I'm just thinking I'll have fun doing research, do well on the MCATs, and make up for fluctuations in my grade that way. I used to study a long time before exams, but now I'm doing about 5 hours a night a couple of days before them. Do I have the right mindset?</p>