"i feel left out." (advice)

<p>ugh, sorry. my computer was being really stupid. and nvm.</p>

<p>What the **** just happened here? I have no idea what the hell was going on.</p>

<p>What the **** is this?</p>

<p>it seems to be that serena doesnt really care about you. if she truly cared then she would be there for you when you are happy, sad, crying, and mad not just when you are cutting or drinking nail polish remover. this is what a real friend does (or at least one that you claim is your best friend). i think if they just keep leaving them out all the time you should take the hint and leave those 2 alone. i mean dont completly ignore them like if you see one of them in the hall stop and say hi and keep it moving. try to get in a new carpool (if you can) if not just deal with them there.</p>

<p>i understand how you feel. has your therapist said anything about this situation?</p>

<p>woah the original message disappeared</p>