I Finally Got Accepted!!!!!

<p>oh and my stats
SAT: 1400
GPA: 3.8 (uw), 4.75 (w)
rank: top 15%, but I go to a really competitive school, top 2% in palm beach county
extracurriculars: captain of tennis team, president of NHS, key club VP,
lots of community service</p>

<p>"Well you can shove NYC/NJ's perception because I don't care. UF is ranked higher nationally, a degree from UF is valued more than UM. You're getting better quality and only paying a quarter of UM's tuition. I'm going to graduate school in Europe, & a UF degree will put me towards the top of the applications stack as opposed to a UM degree."</p>

<p>lol... typical Gator inflating the reputation and academics of UF. Do you really think UF itself will get you to the TOP of the stack even compared to public schools like UNC, U Mich, Cal, UCLA, UVA, Wisconsin, etc? High hopes eh.</p>

<p>ew. no need to get nasty.
alot of the time it's not necessarily the university you go to, but how well you do once you're there.
my sister just graduated from UF last year, and now she's in Duke's med school. you hear that johnny?</p>

<p>Read the quote, then my response. I personally love UF, and would take it over almost any school. Of course it's 'how you do' rather than where you go. But whoever I quoted is blasting UM while saying that "a UF degree will put me towards the top of the applications stack as opposed to a UM degree" which is 100% false. Neither school (alone) will get you to the top of the stack. </p>

<p>The problem is that many UF fans tend to inflate the greatness of the school. UF is a top 50 school, nothing more nothing less, not Harvard of the south.</p>

<p>I didn't think the UF campus was near as impressive as UM. To choose UF because of rankings is nuts, I wouldn't be surprised to see UMiami pass UF even next year.</p>

<p>If you ask me, UM and UF seem roughly academically equivalent. I don't think either one is going to give anybody a significant edge over the other one when applying to out of country graduate schools. I agree with johnnytremain; if you're choosing between UM and UF, the most important consideration is where you think you will do best, academically, socially and emotionally.</p>

<p>Why wouldn't we choose UF over UM? UF is a far better school, higher standard, more affordable, more prestigious...the list goes on. Not to mention the campus is beautiful.</p>

<p>Lol. Thanks for providing me with a good laugh. </p>

<p>1) A far better school? Ummmm... the last time I checked, UF was ranked, what, 2 spots higher than UM? If that's your definition of "far," then I suppose you're correct. Plus, those rankings have a lot to do with factors other than education itself (endowment, libraries, etc).</p>

<p>2) Higher standard? Riiiiiight. UM's average SAT/ACT scores are higher than those at UF. Check collegeboard.</p>

<p>3) More affordable? Yeah, can't argue that. But, if you were smart enough you would be receiving merit scholarships from the U. Of course it will still be more expensive than UF, but there's a certain price you have to pay in order to have smaller class sizes, free sporting events, etc.</p>

<p>You know what, you go ahead and go to UF because you sound EXACTLY like the typical UF student -- one who LOVES to greatly exaggerate the prestige of the university. Have fun buying your scantrons. Peace and love.</p>