I forgot to accept the university admission for Sacramento State

Today, I realized I forgot to do the most important step to my university admission step which was to press the “I accept admission button.” I got accepted to the university I want to go to, but I can’t believe I forgot something so simple. It was due on May 1st and I completely forgot about it. I already tried emailing and I’m assuming that I won’t be able to go to university this fall. I’m really disappointed in myself. I’m not sure about what to do. Any help?

Are you in California? Personally, I would literally be waiting on the doorstep of the Admissions Office when it opens Monday morning. I would also leave a voicemail immediately, and bring a copy of the email (that you already sent) when you show up on Monday. There’s no guarantee that any of this will work, but you can give it a solid try by doing these things!

P.S. Is there any chance you don’t really feel ready to start this fall, and that’s why you didn’t click “accept”? I encourage you to carefully consider this possibility. There’s no shame in not feeling ready. Community college or working for a year are great options for someone not quite wanting to start at a university right away. If that definitely isn’t it, and you absolutely want to go, then do your best to make it work!

Contact them ASAP!!!

In addition to calling them ASAP or going in person, is the button to accept admission still there? If so, does it let you put down a deposit?

I agree - if the option is still there, accept and place a deposit. Then if at all possible, a personal visit/apology/beg for mercy is your best bet. I hope it works out.

I double check the page and the button to accept admissions isn’t there anymore. I checked on my phone and my laptop a few time and it is gone. I called them and they told that all I can do is submit an appeal. So that is my only option at the moment. All I can do is hope and if I don’t get admitted, I will have to reapply for spring.

Yes, I was really anxious to click accept before because I was really stressed out about everything. I know it sounds silly because all it is just a button. I was already having problems with deciding if I was going to live there or commute. Then I was taking some extra classes and working as many shifts I can get to save enough money since I barely get financial aid. I had a lot on my mind that I forgot about it at the last minute. It really was my fault.

Call the admissions office right now and see what they say.

@tryingtolive Did you get to accept still?

@readthetealeaves No, the option isn’t there anymore. They took it off because it was due on May 1st.

@bjkmom @bopper I called and all they say is that I need to do an appeal which I went and did then sent it to their email. All I can do is wait.

Thank you guys for coming and trying to help me. It really means a lot.

Good luck OP. Follow up to make sure they received your appeal letter.

@tryingtolive It isn’t over yet…keep at it. Hope your appeal goes through

Good luck with your appeal. I would still recommend visiting the AO in person (with flowers!) to add to your appeal and to give them a face to put with the name. Good luck.

I saw that CC posted this “Ask the Dean” article today: https://www.collegeconfidential.com/articles/help-i-missed-the-may-1-deposit-deadline-do-i-have-any-options/