<p>to some mosquitoes</p>
<p>and some people that needed it from United Blood Services:)</p>
<p>lots of people up here have my blood type, because we're all scandihoovian</p>
<p>also, my hair is red-dish... but it's washing out. it should be yellow again soon</p>
<p>I gave blood to a vampire. :)</p>
<p> and this thread is completely pointless and I don't know what the hell I'm doing on this site :D</p>
<p>I give blood to mosquitoes everyday</p>
<p>I haven't seen a mosqueto in a long time because all the windows are closed.</p>
<p>LUCKY! There everywhere... but that is probably because ALL the windows are open...</p>
<p>yeah, me too. they seem to love my feet.</p>
<p>I feel like ever since I stopped using DEET and stuff I only get about 1/2 the bites I used to (when I have no DEET on), which is still like 50 bajillion mosquitoes biting me every other minute.</p>
<p>Foot mosquito bites are the WORST!!!!!</p>
<p>they're especially horrible when they're on your ankles</p>
<p>that's why I spray bug repellant on me ?(yes it's poisonus) :D</p>
July 18, 2007, 4:00pm
<p>No mosquitoes here :)</p>
<p>Donating blood seems gross. But, I guess it's good for the sick people.</p>
July 18, 2007, 4:02pm
<p>I donate blood to mosquitoes all the time! Do you think that I should write my Common App essay about donating blood to poor starving mosquitoes?</p>
<p>who inevitabely die after they bite you? I don't think so..</p>
<p>I wrote mine about snowball fights in Elementary school and the evil playground supervisor named Edith.</p>
<p>I say go for it, write about feeding mosquitoes.</p>
<p>but when you feed them, they DIE!</p>