I Got IN!!!!!!

<p>I am so happy...after everyone on here telling me I wouldnt get accepted I was very discouraged, but checked online tonite and my online status changed to admitted!!! I am estatic</p>

<p>congrats, when did you apply/what were your stats?</p>

<p>I applied in the beginning of October everything was received Octover 6th.... I applied for spring transfer....</p>

<p>My stats are</p>

<p>2.98 High School GPA
3.18 College GPA (County College)
1710 SAT</p>

<p>I think I was right on the edge my essay probably helped nudge me in I spent forever on it.</p>

<p>wow man ur lucky i applied b4 u same stats they updated today but didnt give me an asnwer that cant be good</p>

<p>do you think im gunna get denied??? I applied and had everything in by october 2nd they updated my page today but no reply does that mean im going to be rejected?</p>

<p>I wouldnt worry too much... did you apply for spring transfer? cause apparently they arent looking at fall yet just spring</p>

<p>applied for fall all my stuff was in as of oct 2nd and im a transfer with my AA and a 3.1</p>

applied for spring!</p>

<p>I have to admit..I was one of the people who said you had no chance.Great job..how does you butt feel? ..just kidding.Good luck to you,and remember..getting in is one thing at Rutgers..staying is another..you think I suck don't you? Great job dude..better go get your admissions counselor a "reach around"..Ha!</p>

<p>nah man, honestly I much much rather have heard your stupid your not getting in and then get in then yeah you should be fine and then get denied..</p>

<p>You see..thats the attitude that got you into Rutgers.A person with heart and humility rather then some brainiac wise-a$$ that thinks Rutgers is only for a career stepping stone.Good for you man..but you know that your life is set now that you got in.All you have to do is get good grades and the skys limit brother.Great job dude!..seriously.Now you can watch all the tight little rear ends walking around campus,and hopefully be able to get one of them to let you perform the "shocker"..Ha!</p>

<p>still no word! killing me considering they updated on the 21 and no response!! my stuffs been in since the 2nd <strong>crossing my fingers</strong></p>

<p>did anyone else hear back yet?? still nothing for me</p>

<p>good luck to all of you. </p>

<p>I just transferred in this fall- have fun taking the transfer seminar class.</p>

<p>I GOT IN!!! wohoo just heard tonight! SAS NB campus</p>

<p>was down after seeing the Obama victory and I checked my status and my spirits are as high as ever!</p>

<p>congrats to all that got accepted!~~</p>

<p>Congrats to all that got accepted!~</p>

<p>thanks alot!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations man! Glad to hear ya got in…see ya there!</p>