<p>I'm in my second year of college for an associates degree for Graphic Design. I thought going into college that this would be the perfect career for me since it would allow me to be creative. I absolutely am bored to death by it. I don't know what to do though because I've taken classes for 2 years now and I'll feel like I'm wasting my parents time and money. I love art and I love being creative, but I don't think I can do this for a career. I have no idea what to do. My grades have been suffering greatly this whole year, I don't think I've gotten one B and have had to lie to my parents and most people about my grades because it's so embarrassing. I feel seriously depressed most of the time when I'm at school unless I'm in a class I really like. I'm in a class right now called human relations, which I really enjoy because it is about the human mind and psychology type things. I think it's really sad that I enjoy a gen ed course over my design courses. I just need advice, or someone to talk to. Anyone who understands what I'm going through.</p>
<p>Have you had an internship yet where you actually get a feel of what a career in graphic design would be like? If not, maybe it’s too early to jump to conclusions based off the classes you’re taking. I’m assuming you’ll be graduating after this year since it’s an associate’s degree, so maybe after you finish up you can work for a bit and find a four year program you’re interested in. The important thing is you’ll have an income and are going to be able to pay for school.</p>