I hate math

<p>No, I agree with you, wrong is wrong, but it's still annoying. </p>

<p>I get the ideas/procedures, I'm just not meticulous enough (aka i'm lazy and careless). And I am more so under time constraints, so I can really mess up on math tests. Not so much this year with Precalc, but it was an issue with AlgII because one mixed up negative sign really can loose you 10 points.</p>

<p>mediocretes, you've been a prick since your first post on this thread...i guess we all can't be as smart as you</p>

<p>I concure with im_bored, mediocretes sounds like they annoying guy that's in almost every class who just waits for the teacher to make a mistake so he/she can correct him/her in an attempt to prove how smart he/she is. </p>

<p>BTW, I love math, cannot get enough of it, as my math teacher says: Calculus is the meaning of life. I've been lucky enough to have some fantastic teachers who understand the difference between knowing the concepts/applications and little sign errors. Although I would argue that a bit of Machiavellianism and social tact also make the world go round.</p>

<p>damn, i was just trying to get a rise out of people on an otherwise stupid thread. haha, guess it worked. i have no real animosity toward Icarus, so chill.</p>

<p>hunter, I meant that I see my teachers make little mistakes all the time, not that I waste time pointing it out. if i have a serious problem with something they say, ill talk to them after class or something or between double periods. my point was that everyone makes little errors like sign errors (my personal nemesis), which is the same point you're making. </p>

<p>damn, i make one prickish remark and everone calls me a prick. oh, wait...just chill</p>

<p>My scores in 7th grade were low in math, because i wasnt motivated to do the work or do well on the tests. It was in 7th grade though, that i found it to be one of my favorite subjects, but it wasnt until eighth grade that my interests kicked up speed. In 7th grade, i remember looking at a problem with x on both sides of the equation, and i remember thinking to myself, hmmm...thats an interesting question, how would i go about solving that. I knew the answer almost instantly, but i didnt know of how i got the answer. Because i didnt know of an algebraic method of doing it. Between 8th and 9th grade i studied geometry, and problems of spheres that required calculus. when i entered 10th grade, i already knew calculus and was ready to take on big challenges, despite my rather low psat in math. 11th grade, i had fun finding formula's and sequences.<br>
Collegeconfidential has affected me in a lot of ways. If i've never come here, then i wouldnt of heard about math olympiads and problem- solving contests. The whole idea of math contests was new to me, and collegeconfidential introduced these math contests to me.</p>

<p>I'm a biochem major and my university only requires 2 years of calculus, so this semester was my last. Ever since 6th grade I've always had a math class. It's going to be so weird next semester not having one. So unnerving! I struggled a lot with math up until precalc. I'm not the best at basic arithmetic and will always make at least one mistake in my algebra. But once I started learning the Calc stuff, that was fun! (hahaha yes, call me a nerd). I'm a concepts person, so I enjoyed Calc. Great stuff because I feel like it greatly helped my understanding in a lot of other classes -- chemistry, physics (especially)... </p>

<p>oh farewell, calculus!</p>

<p>I like math but it is the one class that I struggle in.... but I'd do calculus homework anyday over reading stuff for my lit class. I'm pretty good in english and lit but only because I am good at articulating my views on books/papers/etc. I can skim a book ten minutes before class and debate better then half the class that spent all night reading the book. </p>

<p>... but I don't like how math is so black and white- right or wrong. We don't get partial credit on our tests so a negative sign can cost the same as a blank paper with no effort. Occasionally he'll overlook the minor errors and give full credit but that's not often.</p>

<p>Semister end.</p>

<p>5: A's
1: B
1: D(math)</p>

<p>That's why I get mad about it. When I started this post, what I meant when I said "I hate math", it wasn't that I don't see it usefull, but rather, get mad with it, cause it lowers my grade. I like math, it's just that I have a really bad math teacher. He's a cool guy in all, but he takes us way to easy. We never get homework, so when we get to a test we do awful, cause we haven't practiced the problems.</p>

<p>So for those who took this as offensive, I didn't mean for that to happen.</p>

<p>I like math, I'd take it all day long too if it were possible.</p>

<p>My sister doesn't, but then again she's an art student, and I will never ever understand art.</p>

<p>So yeah.</p>

<p>Ha anijen we are exactly alike.</p>