Hi, I’m 18 and I just graduated this past June from highschool and will be enrolling into my local community college this coming fall. My main problem right now is sorting out what I want to major in because I feel as if I have to many interests and a weakness when it comes to certain academia.
I’ve been drawing and dealing with visual arts since I was very small. I kept doing art all the way until art highschool but recently stopped doing art because I had to study immensely to pass a math test requirement for me to graduate but plan on continuing drawing. The subjects that I excel in is Foreign Languages, English/literature, and Art . I still have a sort of idea that I want to become a vet but I don’t think this is a wise choice as I am absolutely horrible at math. I failed my math regents so many times and I sort of like science but that comes together with math in order to be a vet so I don’t think I am taking that route. Also just to put out there I’ve also been learning the violin for about 2 years with private lessons mostly as a hobby but I am progressing pretty fast and my violin teachers says that I can get a bachelors in music— I m not sure how t but its a thought.
I really enjoying learning foreign languages. I already speak English and Spanish and got 95-100s in my Italian class and I’ve been teaching my self mandarin Chinese for about 10 months or so. However I feel like I would end up going to art school because it just really feels like my strongest current. I’m not a computer desk job type person unless it might end up being graphic design of some sort but I think Art is where my lead is. My art teacher suggests that I should study art because im very talented but I don’t know if that is a wise choice. Im from nyc and art schools here are pretty well known but can be very expensive. I’ve visited parsons and school of visual arts. and I also don’t want to take out huge loans when I might not even find a job right after graduating but who knows.
I don’t really see myself going towards the stem related job like my other sibling where there is a much higher chance of employment. My mother is supportive of going to art school but I try to explain that it can be a risky route, I do believe in following your passion but I also don’t want to wind up becoming an Art teacher. I’m looking into graphic design with maybe game design or logo design and maybe I can minor in an Asian language. I do most of my art by hand and by painting abstract art. I’m not sure sure how you can make a living as a painter that must be tough, and im just trying to be realistic.
So my plans are to go to community college and get the basics out of the way with a liberal arts AA or if I’m very sure stay for just a year and transfer.
sorry for long passage I need career counseling as I’m very undecided