I Just Wanna Know Now!!

<p>Ok, I want to know about one school. Im an average student, who applied for North Carolina State University's college of management. Im out of state (big minus) with a 3.7 W, 3.5 UW GPA. School doesnt rank because its highly competitive.<br>
SAT- 600M,500V,530W
ACT-29M,20R,22E,22S, 24 composite</p>

<p>So my test scores arent very strong, and I only sent them my ACT. Hopefully they see Im DECENT at math, I just suck at english and writing. My EC's are kinda weak. What do you think my chances are. Give reaches/percentages, whatever you want to give, I just want to know if I have a shot at NC State</p>

<p>This question is beyond the expertise of 99.99% of folks that frequent this board, particularly given your out-of-state status. I'd ask your hs counselor or a NC State admissions staff person instead.</p>