i know everyone hates these...

<p>... but I'd really like some input. I'm applying RD, but I'm pretty sure that no matter if I get into every school I apply to, I'll go to Middlebury. Please chance me? I will definitely chance back if you'd like!</p>

<p>I go to a public high school in Washington state.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 UW (school doesn't weight)
Class Rank: 68 out of 475 (bad semester explained by counselor)</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 720
SAT I Critical Reading: 730
SAT I Writing: 740
SAT II U.S. History: 690
SAT II Math Level 2: 710
SAT II Spanish: 690
Spanish/English Lang./US History/World History: 5
Physics B: 3
Chemistry: 1 (not reporting this one... I was very sick at the time of the test)
Current courses: Advanced chamber band, AP European History, AP Biology, AP English Literature, AP Human Geography, AP Calculus.</p>

Key Club (11,12) logo designer (11)
Show band (9,10,11,12) squad leader (11,12)
Grean Club (12) vice president/logo designer (12)
Academic Coaches (9,11,12) secretary/recruitment officer//logo designer (12)
Orchestra (11)
Spanish Club (9,10)
Link Leaders (12)
Honor Society (10,11,12)
tennis, JV singles/varsity exhibition doubles (9,10,11) co-captain (11)</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work:
Key Club member
Committee for organizing Take Steps for Crohn's and Colitis 5K Walk</p>

<p>Honors and Awards:
National Honor Society (10,11,12)
Lamp of Knowledge Award (10,11)
Band Letter (10,11,12)
AP Scholar with Distinction (11)</p>

<p>Essays: pretty good and original
Recommendations: one good, the other one positive, but vague</p>

<p>thanks in advance for anyone who answers!</p>

<p>I would chance you but seeing as I am not on the adcom i really have no legitimacy…</p>

<p>The reason everyone hates these is because the answer to your question is obvious. You have a chance. As Tsar09 says, no one can give you much more other than the adcom. Good luck!</p>