<p>With my boxes of lead subsiding and my hair turning inevitably white, the SAT now controls me. I used to enjoy the warmth of the sun against my pale and withered visage, but now, I lament at myself for now seeing daylight for days...</p>
<p>Does anyone know this suicidal feeling? SAT...</p>
<p>lol, I noticed some of my hair start falling out back when I was doing an SAT practice test a day for a couple of days before the december test. All that stress, man. You’ve got to relax</p>
<p>If you are indeed losing hair, you should go see your doctor. Hair loss is a sign of thyroid disease, which is easy to diagnose and to treat. Also, people with thyroid disease can suffer mood swings (sounds like everyone on this Website!) which may contribute to your doomsaying over SATs…</p>