I love this school so much....

<p>i dont know if my stats are "good enough" though.. = /</p>

<p>im a junior who just took sat (should have been well over 2000)
UW GPA is like 93, W 98ish
top 10%..</p>

<p>do you think i have a chance next year.. i really really really really wanna go.. CAS</p>

<p>2000 is not enough;at least 2100 if you want to have the ods on your side.Otherwise,it is a matter of luck.</p>

<p>i know i plan on taking it at least one more time (this time with much more prep)</p>

<p>I hope you’re not white, Asian, or of the Jewish faith…</p>

<p>^haha ilovebagels.
they do call penn the Jewniversity of Pennsylvasia :)</p>

<p>yeah, that SAT needs to be 2100+ if you’re not an athlete or URM.
how are your ECs?</p>

<p>lol did anyone see the WAY OVER 2000?? theyre good, not amazing, above average i would say</p>

<p>no, everyone saw the “should have been”. or at least that’s what i saw. we don’t know what your actual scores were, so we’re telling you it needs to be 2100+. let us know when you get your actual score back so our chancing can be more accurate. it’s hard to chance on a speculated score…
good luck!
and what about your SAT II’s??</p>

<p>oh haha okay thanks… im taking math II and us history at the end of the year… those are my two best subjects so SHOULD be good… i did take math level I in december but im not happy with my score (690) so i was thinking to not send that one… and just stick to math 2 and us history… is that possible?</p>

<p>im concerned about my gpa though… im at a pretty good public school with a very competitive class… and i have a significant upward trend (9- 92 W, 10- 98 W, 11- 103 W)
only 1 AP class this year, rest honors (except english) next year ALL AP (about 6)… mehh… i just want to know if penn is realistic for me…</p>

<p>penn will take your top two SAT II scores if you send all 3. i’m not sure how score choice is going to affec this though; i don’t think penn is using score choice.
definitely take math II and USH (those were also my highest two). on math, i skipped 4 questions, got at least 2 wrong, and still 800ed it. to get an 800 on math I, you’d have to get every single question right. definitely, definitely take math II.
i’m not familiar with the 100 point system GPA. my school goes by the 5.0 scale. those numbers look pretty high to me, so i think you’re good in the GPA department.
as of now, penn seems realistic, assuming your SATs go the way you planned and your ECs, recs, and essays are good.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>thanks a lot i appreciate it</p>