I’m worried I could be rescinded from Purdue college of pharmacy

I’m sorta freaking out because it’s looking like my final grades will be:
Astronomy - A
English - A
Health - A
Phys Ed - A
PreCalc -C
Piano - A
Ap Environmental science- B+ or A-
Ap Bio - C+ or B-
Ap Chem - C
Ap Spanish - B

Should I be worried about getting rescinded? I’ve been reading online and people are saying that more than 2 C’s will get you rescinded. I’ve always been an A/B student with Cs in math, my gpa is a 3.74, and my SAT was a 1400, and now I’m really worried I messed all that up in my senior year. What’s going to happen?

4 APs including chem and bio and enviro along two more STEM classes w/ astronomy and calculus plus piano and ap spanish.

Good lord what a schedule. That’s an awful lot on your plate. Keeps your head down and eye on the prize over the next few weeks. Maybe one c can become a b?

I don’t know Perdue policy. Generally c’s don’t lead to rescission. But it seems like you haven’t been slacking off, which is what they don’t like. If they asked for more info you could show a rigorous schedule. But I don’t know the program at all.

@BrianBoiler knows Perdue. Maybe he can help.

Thank goodness, I was so worried. Thank you for the advice, I’ll totally reach out to @BrianBoiler

I wouldn’t think you should worry about a C+ and a C, don’t let them fall to a D and see if you can make the C+ a B will help your case.

I think the worst thing that could happen is they may start you on probation, but I doubt it. Especially if you have a good and factual story as to why if they ask. But I would not expect this to end up getting your admissions rescinded.

I am curious, I didn’t think you could get admitted directly to the college of Pharmacy. I thought you applied after your Freshman year?

Okay, that’s good, I think I could get Bio to a B-, but the other two are pretty set in stone. What does probation mean? Thank you so much for all the info!

Probation means they admit you (or in most cases allow you to stay at the school), but you are required to keep your GPA above a certain level. I really don’t think you need to worry about it.

From what I know about the college of pharmacy, they start you off at pre-pharma for two years and then you could get your bachelors to be done in two years or apply for the PHD program and get out in four years. I think it’s still the college of pharmacy as a freshman even though it’s pre-pharmacy.

ok, that makes sense. I am more familiar with the schools of engineering and technology (now Polytech). But, you still aren’t in danger. Stay away from the Ds and Fs and I think you’ll be fine.

Okay, that’s not too bad. Thanks again!!