I made a small error while entering my classes, not grade related

So at my school AP Poli Sci and AP Econ are semester classes, but when I submitted my app I accidentally listed them both as in progress for this semester, planned next semester. We only take one of the classes each semester. Help? Should I call them? Will making this change reflect negatively upon me? :frowning: I’m honestly freaking out.

I just emailed my counselor at 1 in the morning…

bump?? hello

I would try to get it fixed. It sounds like you are (accidentally) claiming you intend to take more A-G classes than you really are. I think it is possible (but unlikely) for an acceptance to be rescinded if you don’t do anything. I’m sure there is a process for fixing it as students change second semester senior plans all the time. A little googling should get you the method if nobody posts it here.

I just took a look. Unless someone with more expertise posts, I would send an email to the address mentioned here and be sure to keep a copy for your records just in case.


@FarWestCoast Thank you for your helpful reply! I called and asked and they advised me to email “docs@applyUCsupport.net”, so its different from the one in the link. hopefully this issue is resolved soon.