Just realized I made mistakes on my UC app?!

<p>I was confused and JUST realized that I made a mistake on my 12th grade schedule (stupid, I know). Economics Honors and AP Gov’t and Politics are each semester courses w/ Econ being Sem. 1 and AP Gov being Sem. 2, but I realized that I UNINTENTIONALLY put both as full year courses (IP PL). **How do I go about informing UCs of this change? Will it get me rescinded? :frowning: I’m extremely scared of this happening because I got accepted into all of the UCs I applied to so far (not to be arrogant) excluding Berkeley (which is coming out this Thursday) & was about to fill out my SIR for one of the schools. In the event that this mistake does NOT prove to be detrimental to my admissions, should I just tell the school I plan to fill out my SIR for, or all of them? I also put Econ Honors as “NH” (no Honors), but I’m less worried about that b/c it involves grading myself down, not up. Any input would definitely be appreciated, though :confused: Thank you!! </p>

<p>I think you should send a note to the UC clearing house (look on your application web site there is something about where to send changes) so you will have ‘satisfied the requirements’ then call the university you INTEND to SIR for and ask if it is a problem so you don’t turn down others you may wish you had. I sincerely doubt whether those courses were semester long or year long was a point your acceptance turned on, but clear it up and move on.</p>