I made one mistake on my college application!

Hello, I just applied to my local community college and while revising after submitting I noticed a mistake. Though I know I can’t fix it, I need help calming down!
“Indicate on what basis you are seeking admission”
I put “High School Graduate”

I graduate from my highschool in about 41 days and I made it clear that I have yet to Graduate further on in the application, however, I misread this particular question and answered wrongly. Would this be a problem?

They will most likely be able to figure out the situation from the rest of the application, but, just to be safe, it wouldn’t hurt to email the admissions office. They can just make a note on your file. People make little mistakes on their applications all the time, no worries

I’m not sure it’s even a mistake. You are graduating in 41 days and applying for next fall (I assume) so to me you are applying as a high school graduate. But if your not sure or want reassurance, call them.