<p>Someone online told me that the best thing to do for the five words short answer is to put words that admissions wants to hear. So I put: enrollable, acceptable, admissible, matriculable, inviteable.</p>
<p>NOW, in retrospect...I think I should have put: wealthy, charitable, loyal, giving, returning</p>
<p>what do you guys think?</p>
<p>side note: I am kidding. However, if you had some funny ideas for the Stanford supplement's short answers or essays like I did (well, I thought they were funny), feel free to post 'em :P</p>
<p>I actually did hear from someone on CC (who was serious) that they were considering picking words that, when abbreviated, spelled out A-D-M-I-T. Like, Attentive, Diligent, Merry, Industrious, and Talented. lulz.</p>
<p>sorry for giving you the scare siliconvalleymom :-)</p>
<p>On the topic of rearranging the words according to their first letter: as I am OCD I put my words in alphabetical order. I have the feeling there are probably a few others like me who did that :P</p>
<p>dococtopi, cute but cliche :\ depends who reads it i guess</p>
<p>just think about how many ridiculous adjectives they are gonna get. i mean i bet a lot people used a thesaurus to get some pretty gnarly, original words that make no sense</p>
<p>hehe…I almost want to pay the application fee next year to fill out a joke application and implement a bunch of these ideas. I thought it would be fun to give them five words in different obscure languages (ex: icelandic). Well, it would be fun if they looked each of the words up…which they probably wouldn’t</p>