I mistook the name of the university!

I've got a little problem. Lately, I have been sending a couple of emails to the universities asking for more detailed information and, unforunately, I mistook a name of the university; I wrote "XXX" instead of "YYY" and I have no reply from them, though I sent them apology for that mistake. However, I'm quite curious wheather I should try get in touch with them once again in a week or two or I am banned on that university?
Best wishes! Thanks in advance for all replies!</p>

<p>Not the smoothest move, but schools know that your looking at several schools and things happen. As long as you weren’t confirming your intent to attend, just ask for the information again.</p>

<p>lol and what if i had told that I would have been interested, but be sure, I am really interested! and besides, there’s still long way to application process. maybe they will forget about it? or should I do anything else to improve my current situation?</p>

<p>or either way, I would like to know wheather it would be threated as a negative aspect during application (or my application would be just kicked out)</p>

<p>It will probably be a non-factor. Especially at a large college/one that gets alot of applicants. The adcoms are too busy to remember one mistake from an e-mail 9 months before they start reviewing apps for the 09-10 year. Just let it fade into nothingness.</p>