<p>anyone please predict my score!! thanks</p>
<p>CR: -4
Math: -3
Grammar: -2, 10 essay</p>
<p>anyone please predict my score!! thanks</p>
<p>CR: -4
Math: -3
Grammar: -2, 10 essay</p>
<p>I would guess around 2200-2250</p>
<p>yeah around 2250</p>
<p>Cr: 780
m: 730
cr: 770</p>
<p>^ because there are two CR sections lol.</p>
<p>we both wrote 1.5 page essays…ehhh, 10 is pretty optimistic for us</p>
<p>yeah, i’d say probably just under 2250, but of course it depends on the curve</p>
<p>Cr: 780
m: 740
w: 760</p>