I NEED HELP ....... how does my appeal letter looks

<p>I started college but my girlfriend became pregnant so I just stop going to my classes. I've received a letter saying im not eligible for title IV aid during the 2013-2014 award year</p>

<p>how does my appeal letter look?</p>

<p>My name is -----------------, I am writing to ask you to appeal my suspension of financial aid. I take full responsibilities for my academic performance in the 2012-2013 academic year. I failed to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards because of the situations my girlfriend and I were having during her pregnancy. The problems caused me to become unfocused on my work and I really didn’t know how to balance that with my school work. I was quite afraid that I wouldn’t have time for a child and school. At the time I thought my career and life was ruined. I wanted to be a good father so I decided it was best if I put school aside to help with the baby. Now that we are on our feet and doing well I would like to come back to school. I want the best for my daughter and I’d hate to see her to grow up like I had to. I am fully prepared to work hard. I am determined I will do well until I have receive my degree. A degree is important in receiving a decent career. I have a plan to adjust my time and achieve SAP requirements. Education has always been my main priority. I will ask for help if needed and meet with my instructors if there is something I don’t understand. If I have any trouble with my coursework in my classes, I will contact a tutor as soon as possible.
I have learned the mistake I made and will be successful in the years to come. I would not be able to get this degree without this financial aid. I will work hard and not take this second chance for granted.</p>

<p>I think it sounds great- very insightful, remorseful and sincere. (responsibilities should be responsibility.) (Career and life were ruined.) (take out the “to” before grow up). I might expand the sentence “Education has always been my main priority and will continue to be so. I want to become a role model for my child.” “I have learned from the mistakes I have made and…” Good luck! I hope they see your sincerity.</p>

<p>Thank you so much I really appreciate it</p>

<p>How did this work out?</p>