I Need Help in Choosing a Career : (

(I know there have been many discussions like this already, but I would like something more direct!)
(Also, sorry I rambled on too much, but I feel that this is essential so I can find a resolution and relief from this problem)

So as the title says, I have trouble choosing what I should major in. I have read a plethora of articles on this subject, I have even taken “What Career Will Be Best For You?” quizzes! Yet I still have trouble…

I am a junior in high school, so I need to resolve this problem soon. Obviously I can’t just ask this question and expect an immediate solution. So I will share some things about myself so the choices can narrow down a bit.

To start off, I wanted to go into dentistry. My parents sort of forced it onto me, (because I did do some career hopping in the past and they’re those mainstream parents who want you to do something very successful in the future like being a doctor.) at first I was like “HECK YEAH! HIGH SALARY AND MY PARENTS’ RESPECT AND ACCEPTANCE!”, but now, I’m being very skeptical, I’m not completely letting go of the dentistry idea, but I want to broaden my options so I don’t regret any decisions. Also, I am extremely passionate about art, animation, etc. (please don’t let this give you the impression I want to be JUST an artist after I graduate high school, no matter if I like it or not, I have to be as realistic as I can about this, this isn’t a fantasy land where I can have my dream job and still live my desired life style which is costy).

I know there will be some people who would say “Hell with what your family or people will think of your career, as long as you love what you’re doing and your happy with yourself.” I mean, that’s nice advice that is pretty useful… the thing is, I love my family, so what they think of me matters in my opinion, they have made sacrifices for me, so I feel if I just throw that away and do something they disagree with, It’s like a slap in the face.

I do have the motor skills and interest in the subject, but I am afraid if I do go down this path, I will fail in the middle of it because it just wasn’t the right career. There is this part of me that doesn’t want to waste 8 years of my life in college when I probably could have done something more productive and meaningful with my life.

And the answer of “Do what you love so you don’t hate your life” really doesn’t cut the cheese. Because the job I would like is to be an artist, but If I become an artist in some form, my family will essentially look down on me and shame me, and I would be struggling with money. So will I still be happy being an artist because it’s my passion, even if everything is turned against me and I can’t live my desired lifestyle? I don’t want to fall under that stereotype of doing something you love then later resenting it because you can’t treat it as your passion anymore, but as a job and something you only get money from.

Or, I can sacrifice 8 years of my own life and work hard towards having a job that could save me the grief of financial problems, and I could live my desired lifestyle. I could even work part time as a dentist and still live my life happily with even more time on my hands so I can focus on my passions for art. Essentially, lose 8 years and live contently, or do something I like but get hit at from every angle.

I DONT want dentistry or art to be the ONLY two options, so it would be helpful if I could get more variety similar to dentistry where I can still study and use my motor skills, it doesn’t strictly have to be science. Or advise me on whether or not being a dentist (or something) else is more beneficial then following your passion.

Thank you for taking your own time to read this and respond!! (hopefully) You get a cookie :^)

Get a copy of the Book of Majors (College Board) and go through with some post-its. Mark ones that sound great in one color, and “maybe interesting” in another. Look for clusters & patterns when you are done. Research some of the careers they list that they can lead to.

Few students know their major as HS juniors. Get some ideas, pick a college that offers the ones you are most interested in, and try some classes out in them when you get there.

Interesting method! I will try that and see what I come up with :slight_smile:

Which classes do you enjoy in school? There may be something that’s more interesting to you than dentistry. Maybe you should also take one of those personality/career quizzes and see what comes up and whether it appeals to you. Perhaps you can do art on the side and if it turns out to be lucrative pursue it further. Good luck!

The subjects I mainly enjoy are sciences and the arts, but I don’t mind if some suggestions aren’t my favorite subjects at school, haha. As I said in the post, I have taken so many of those quizzes ;__; for some reason I can only rely on them to some extent, they don’t give me a confident result, y’know? Also I agree with your last statement, doing art on the side is a good option, thank you!!

Have you ever explored the fields of digital design or game design? I don’t know much about you, but those fields involve art and computer science. It might be worth looking at.

Life it too short (or too long) to go into a field you are not passionate about. If you are not passionate about dentistry, don’t do it. IMHO, if you don’t really want to be a dentist, you won’t be a very good one either. Great idea to get The Book of Majors.

I see your point : ) I will see what The Book of Majors has to offer, tysm.

Yes! I am actually taking a class for something of that nature, it would seem like something good to delve more into, it as a good chance of being an option for me. Ty