I need help with continuing in 9th grade english honors

i really need help with english 9 honors, my teacher only assigns writing assignments and its the 4th week of school and i already hate it and am burnt out. it is our 5th or 6th assignment in 2 weeks and i really need help getting exited for the class each day.

There is nothing we can do for you. Go and talk to your school counselor asap. My guess is you will need to switch out of honors. Honors classes have a lot of writing. I’m not sure what you expected.

Regular not honors English sounds like where you will need to be.


ok thx

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Please speak with your teacher and ask her what you can do to improve your essay skills. If there is another English teacher that you can access? Ask your parents for help. I often reviewed my children’s essays and made suggestions.
My children wrote about “fun” things that other students wouldn’t. For instance, my son would often write about foods or hobbies, and use a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bowl of cereal, pop tarts, old school video games etc.
Then he would use his initial idea to allude to “life” involving layers and sticky situations of decisions when faced with challenges and how certain impediments could be resolved. (he would never use the PB&J terms until the concluding sentence, then his concluding sentence would end with: “so I will make my sandwich with layers of bread, JIF and sticky strawberry jam.” (paraphrasing). His English teachers always got a kick out of his essays.

Our daughter would also pick a thing and personify it and the clues/hints led up to the last sentence of what she was talking about. She wrote about Pac Man and Mrs. Pac Man about people chasing things in life and it was really all about how to play Pac Man!
Our eldest was always “creative” in how she wrote. It was always a contest to her.
The reason for all three who wrote this way?
Their teachers in middle school said that they wanted to read and grade Fun essays that were out of the box.
Don’t torture yourself! Make it fun. Can you do a compare and contrast essay on Shakespeare and Grand Theft Auto? Think about it.

Meet with your teacher. Ask for help with the essays and discuss if honors English is the right placement for you.


If you can do it, stay in it! You are lucky to be getting all these writing assignments. It is how you will learn to write well.