<p>Right now I'm a computer science major and I'm really not enjoying it because even though I sort of like the programming even though I'm not very good and the teacher doesn't seem good to me. I was thinking of going to architecture but that would mean three more years of undergrad and about two more at the masters level on top of the three years I have now and end up finishing school and stating at 26. I want to know what is the job outlook for computer science majors, versus architecture and how much is the starting pay versus architecture majors? (I know this is a tough question seeing that this is comparing apples to oranges)</p>
<p>in my school, 2008 median salaries were:</p>
<p>CS: $76,000
Arch: $45,486 (5 year BArch degree)</p>
<p>but then again, these are just starting figures. i don’t know how arch’s salary changes over the years vs CS (not very knowledgeable about arch)</p>