I need suggestions!

<p>I am thinking about transferring for the Fall '09 term. Right now, I am in the second semester of my sophomore year at a another top private university in the Southeastern region. </p>

<p>HS Stats:
Jewish male from upper-middle class family in South Florida
Very Competitive High School ("A" rated/ US News ranks it (171/1200)
Majors: International Business, Communication( Public Relations)
GPA: 3.7 UW, 4.1 W
Rank: 80/500; Top 15th Percentile
Courses: 2 AP's( straight A's), 14 Honors( all A's and 1 B)
AP Psychology- 3
AP European History-3
SAT- 1220/1910
Extracurriculars: Choir- two years, Drama- two years, Jewish Forum- four years, Push For Peace- one year, Key Club- four years.
Community service involvement: numerous cancer walks and events, numerous events for Darfur and underprivileged countries(northern Uganda). Volunteer at Center For Group Counseling(peer mediator)
Awards and Honors
National Honor Society
Community Service Recognition(300+hours)
Most Improved Male Tenor Vocalist(2006)
Top Student in Chemistry(2007)</p>

<p>College Background:
University of Maryland GPA: 3.0 (Fall 2007)
University of Miami: 3.84 GPA (3.74 GPA (Spring 2008) and 3.94 GPA( Fall 2008)
Combined Transfer GPA: 3.56
Major GPA: 3.6
Extracurriculars: Involved heavily in student life, Jewish life, Community Service Involvement EBoard MEmber for club geared towards raising cancer awareness. Internship @ UBS in NYC for Summer 2008, volunteer 3 hrs a week @ children's hospital, involved heavily with Barack Obama campaign.</p>

<p>Special Circumstance: Due to personal problems that occurred during junior year of high school, the caliber of my courseload (only 2 AP's) is suffering. In reality, it should've been 5-7 APs. Same goes for my college board scores. Realistically speaking, I would've received somewhere in the mid 1300s to low 1400s. However, I am not willing to retake them, because I'm already in college and do not want to be bothered studying for such a tedious and stressful exam.</p>

<p>Schools that I'm thinking of applying too, I know some are HUGE reaches and that deadlines are very soon for some.</p>

<p>-University of Southern California
-University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
-University of Virginia, Charlottesville
-Stanford University
-University of Pennsylvania
-Washington University at St. Louis

<p>I'm looking for a smaller public school that has a refined undergraduate business school, but more importantly, a very diverse student body. I transferred from Maryland because of the weather in the Spring of my freshmen year, but now finally regret transferring because the student body was much more diverse and down to earth than the "image" orientated student body at Miami. I grew up with these same types of kids and Maryland was an awesome change, but do not want to go back to Maryland because it won't be the same with my friends that I made Fall of freshmen year.</p>

<p>what the heck do you mean by a “refined” business program? could you please elaborate? do you just mean a good or well regarded or prestigious business program?</p>

<p>outside of your internship, which is very important, i dont see you being involved with your major at all at college…your hs stats shouldnt matter too much at this point, but that being said, your sat’s are very low for some of the schools you are applying to and will probably be taken into consideration</p>

<p>while the upward trend in your gpa is nice, a 3.56 is not going to be competitive for stanford, gtown, or the ivies…the schools you have listed range from high-matches to high reaches, i think…having reach schools is great, but you may want to consider some safeties and low matches if you want out of miami…you say you want a small public school, but all of the schools that you listed are either private schools or have large student bodies? there are not too many well regarded business schools that are both public and small…anyways, some other schools to consider might be emory, u of texas at austin, george washington, bu, bc carroll, u wash</p>


<p>If you don’t want to bother retaking SATs, I also wouldn’t bother with applications to Stanford, Penn, Cornell, Georgetown or WashU. Neither your GPA or scores are competitive for these schools.</p>

<p>You transferred from Maryland because of the weather?? Your eliminating schools based on a group of friends?</p>

<p>It’s time to grow up and get your priorities straight.</p>

<p>UVA And Gtown are the only reaches that are remotely likely considering your stats. Make sure to get really strong essays and recs. Good luck nonetheless!</p>

<p>Brad, is that you?</p>

<p>We’ll you’re all wrong! </p>

<p>I’ve been accepted to UNC-CH.</p>

<p>No one said you wouldn’t get into UNC. The funny thing is, it doesn’t meet the criteria you laid out…</p>