I need your advices


<p>I know it is a silly idea to ask the chances of being admitted and I will not ask such things. Instead, I want to ask who is a COMPETITIVE candidate and who is NOT.</p>

<p>I know it sounds even sillier, but please try to understand. I have been here for 3 years and I am an upcoming senior. I myself think I am somewhat a competitive student, but everytime I look at those who ask for their chances, I feel myself being trashed.</p>

<p>Maybe I haven't lived here long enough and haven't lived in a big city (I attend a public school with about 1000 students and my class is the largets).</p>

<p>I don't REALLY have any idea what kind of schools are even the safety schools for me. My guidance kept telling me that my resume is not so bad, but I felt that I needed more skilled hands on this (my guidance is not that actually reliable).</p>

<p>Kind of advices that I really wish to get from you gents and ladies are that ON WHAT LINE AM I STANDING, WHAT KINDS OF SCHOOLS (I am thinking of being a physics or math prof.) ARE RIGHT FOR ME TO APPLY AND WHAT MUST I DO TO MAKE IT BETTER.</p>

<p>Here is my petty info. I don't think it is bad except several flaws. But still, I dearly want to know how critically they are gonna hurt my overall resume.</p>

<p>6 APs all done by self-studying (My school only applies 2 aps and those are not the ones that I took) and got five 5s and one 4 (They are Calc BC, Physics C (both), Physics B, Stat(got 4 on it), and Chem).</p>

<p>My class rank is 7 out of 297</p>

<p>30 ACT (27, 36, 24, 31), 2050 SAT (630/770/650)
SAT2 Math Lev2 780/ Physics 770
110 on TOEFL iBT</p>

<p>My courses are NOT that rigorous. When I first came here as a freshman, my guidance threw me in Low level bio class. I took most rigorous MATH and SCIENCE courses as of my soph. year. (2 years of ESOL which I think no so nice. Regular ACC level English course in junior and got 98)</p>

<p>Art Club. (9, 10, 11)
Math Team (10, 11) - got some awards in it.
National Honor Soc. (11)
Math Tutor (11)
250 hours of volunteer work in one nursing home and still doing it (10, 11)
<em>No sport and musical acts.</em></p>

<p>Highest honors in all 3 of my years, Rensselaer Merit Award Medalist (11), Outstanding Science Sophomore, AP Honors with distinction (is the name right?), Some high-scorer medals in Math Team.</p>

<p>I am going to concentrate on my scool work in my senior year and most of my senior year courses are the most rigorous except Eng. (acc)</p>

<p>Sorry for posting exceptionally long thread, but as I told you, I REALLY need your helps. I know that ivy league schools are not right for me since one of my friend who got FAR better resume than I did rejected from 3 of ivies she applied (VERY shocked, frankly).</p>

<p>Thanks for reading it and have a REALLY NICE DAY!</p>

<li>oh, the reason that I posted here is that my highest aim is Johns Hopkins. I won't ask chances, but I wanna know at what place am I among those who apply to JHU. Thanks.</li>

<p>If you can, get your SAT up to around 2200. This will improve your chances. However, your ecs are lacking. They are very by the book and there are no outstandig programs you took part in such as research. However, it’s good that you took innitiative and took ap classes outside of school. The community service is fine, if not very original. It’s good that you have some leadership positions, but I still think that jhu is a high reach for you. Are you interested in Carnegie Mellon? That is still a very good school, and maybe easier to get into by a small percentage.</p>

<p>Do not however let me deter you from applying. I am also interested in applying Ed. My hook is writing, and therefore I have done everything I can to win awards and Participate in internships. Try and get sone more math awards or an internship this year. Good luck!!</p>

<p>i think you would have a good shot at getting into hopkins. i had similar scores when i applied and i got into hopkins.</p>

<p>Yeah, I wouldn’t worry too much about test scores! If you have good grades, are really involved, and are really passionate about the things you are involved in, then you’ll be fine :smiley:
While there’s no guarantee for any student, don’t stress out about test scores haha
I didn’t take any SAT’s or SAT II’s
I didn’t even have a very good ACT but I still got in (THANKFULLY!) :smiley:
I just had good grades, high rank, and was very very involved in lots of things including sports! :)</p>

<p>^and I had about the same amount of kids in my graduating class lol
I was 3/226
I think you have a chance :)</p>