<p>I know it is a silly idea to ask the chances of being admitted and I will not ask such things. Instead, I want to ask who is a COMPETITIVE candidate and who is NOT.</p>
<p>I know it sounds even sillier, but please try to understand. I have been here for 3 years and I am an upcoming senior. I myself think I am somewhat a competitive student, but everytime I look at those who ask for their chances, I feel myself being trashed.</p>
<p>Maybe I haven't lived here long enough and haven't lived in a big city (I attend a public school with about 1000 students and my class is the largets).</p>
<p>I don't REALLY have any idea what kind of schools are even the safety schools for me. My guidance kept telling me that my resume is not so bad, but I felt that I needed more skilled hands on this (my guidance is not that actually reliable).</p>
<p>Kind of advices that I really wish to get from you gents and ladies are that ON WHAT LINE AM I STANDING, WHAT KINDS OF SCHOOLS (I am thinking of being a physics or math prof.) ARE RIGHT FOR ME TO APPLY AND WHAT MUST I DO TO MAKE IT BETTER.</p>
<p>Here is my petty info. I don't think it is bad except several flaws. But still, I dearly want to know how critically they are gonna hurt my overall resume.</p>
<p>6 APs all done by self-studying (My school only applies 2 aps and those are not the ones that I took) and got five 5s and one 4 (They are Calc BC, Physics C (both), Physics B, Stat(got 4 on it), and Chem).</p>
<p>My class rank is 7 out of 297</p>
<p>30 ACT (27, 36, 24, 31), 2050 SAT (630/770/650)
SAT2 Math Lev2 780/ Physics 770
110 on TOEFL iBT</p>
<p>My courses are NOT that rigorous. When I first came here as a freshman, my guidance threw me in Low level bio class. I took most rigorous MATH and SCIENCE courses as of my soph. year. (2 years of ESOL which I think no so nice. Regular ACC level English course in junior and got 98)</p>
<p>Art Club. (9, 10, 11)
Math Team (10, 11) - got some awards in it.
National Honor Soc. (11)
Math Tutor (11)
250 hours of volunteer work in one nursing home and still doing it (10, 11)
<em>No sport and musical acts.</em></p>
<p>Highest honors in all 3 of my years, Rensselaer Merit Award Medalist (11), Outstanding Science Sophomore, AP Honors with distinction (is the name right?), Some high-scorer medals in Math Team.</p>
<p>I am going to concentrate on my scool work in my senior year and most of my senior year courses are the most rigorous except Eng. (acc)</p>
<p>Sorry for posting exceptionally long thread, but as I told you, I REALLY need your helps. I know that ivy league schools are not right for me since one of my friend who got FAR better resume than I did rejected from 3 of ivies she applied (VERY shocked, frankly).</p>
<p>Thanks for reading it and have a REALLY NICE DAY!</p>
<li>oh, the reason that I posted here is that my highest aim is Johns Hopkins. I won't ask chances, but I wanna know at what place am I among those who apply to JHU. Thanks.</li>