I Picked UMiami Over...

<p>I'm curious about the schools students turned down in favor of UMiami and why.</p>

<p>Fordham- Lovely college, but a little too close to home. I wanted to get away from New York and see a bit more of the world.</p>

<p>Wake Forest- I really, really liked this college, but Winston-Salem is so boring. There’s not a whole lot to do in the town, and the mall down there that everyone keeps mentioning isn’t that nice. I didn’t want my whole life to be encapsulated in the college, I wanted to know that life exists outside of WFU’s campus. Plus I didn’t like how everyone is involved in Greek life. They say you don’t have to join a frat or sorority to have a social life, but come on, we know that is not completely true…</p>

<p>The U is in a very cool suburb of an awesome city, has great weather, plenty of things to do for fun, solid academics in every field, diverse student body, and has a resort-like feel to it. Really, though, it seems like there’s no place like The U.</p>

<p>I always wanted to go to the U so I didn’t apply to a lot of schools, just state ones, but I turned down FSU, UF, and FIU.</p>

<p>A couple schools but most notably USC. This was an extremely tough decision for me. I chose UM over USC because of a few key reasons 1. I liked the campus better 2. I got a scholarship 3. I have family in South Florida even though it is still far away from where i live (Boston), where as I know nobody west of like Baltimore so I would be isolated in LA.</p>

UM over Berkeley, UVa, UNC, Brandeis, etc…
UM- great school, great campus, Singer scholarship/Foote fellow. </p>

<p>He is a very happy Cane.</p>

<p>Daughter chose Miami over:</p>

U of Michigan
Rutgers (duh)</p>

<p>She also had a guaranteed transfer to Cornell for Sophomore year and also turned that down for Miami.</p>


<p>She is a marine sciences/bio/chemistry major and the Rosenstiel School is fantastic!</p>

<p>Small class sizes and available/interested professors.</p>

<p>Large merit scholarship and good financial aid.</p>

<p>She was given 38 credits for her 11 APs.</p>

<p>Huge amount of undergrad research opportunities.</p>

<p>Daughter chose UMiami over:

  • University of Michigan
  • Penn State - University Park
  • Boston University
  • New York University
  • George Washington University</p>

<p>She made her decision once we visited the U’s campus. At the end of the first day she said, “I can see myself here. It just feels right!” She had not gotten that feeling while visiting any of the other campuses.</p>

<p>She, too, is very excited to begin this next phase!</p>

<p>Boston College, Boston University, Northeastern, Wake Forest turned down because of cost
UConn and UM was a tough decision(had honors and scholarships to both), but since I’m a CT resident I decided to try something new and go for miami!</p>

<p>American, Penn State, Marist College, Ithaca College, NYU, Syracuse.</p>

<p>I chose it over BCC</p>

<p>Miami gave me 20K and great history of preparing students for med -school</p>

<pre><code>weighted GPA 4.1 , 1460 SAT, 33 ACT, 6 AP’s

<p>Accepted : Providence
Franklin & Marshall
Washington & Lee</p>

<p>turned down Maryland, URichmond, VA tech, Elon, James Madison, because Miami is just awesome in comparison to all of them. I did apply ED to Wake Forest but now am so happy i got waitlisted and will laugh when the Hurricanes are beating up the Demon Deacons!</p>

<p>Passed up Notre Dame, Michigan, Washington University in St. Louis, Vanderbilt, and USC. I liked everything about Miami, from its size to its academic offerings… and it didn’t hurt that I got a full ride too.</p>

<p>Ajaku 3714, I really want to go to U Miami but the cost is kinda steep so Im curious to know how you got a full ride. Was it academic?</p>

<p>Yep- I got the Singer Scholarship, which is given on the basis of academic merit.</p>

<p>I chose Miami over, most notably, NYU.
The decision was made very easily after I visited the campus. I fell in love with everything about it. The music engineering program in one of, if not the, best in the country. Also, Miami gave me significantly more money than any of my other choices, so luckily for me, it ended up being the best choice financially and academically.</p>

<p>I was very, VERY sure I’d end up at UC Santa Barbara this coming fall for quite some time. But, I kept getting things from UM in the mail and I started looking at their marine biology program. I applied for the heck of it, after a representative came out to SoCal to talk to me about the school. I knew by then I’d either end up at UCSB or UM, but I was still veering towards UCSB because it was considerably less expensive. I only ended up applying to UCSB, UM and UC Santa Cruz (just because I liked the campus), and was accepted at all three. They gave me a scholarship, and a very generous financial aid package,and then I decided to visit. I fell in LOVE with the campus, and now I’ll be shipping myself 2600 miles across the country where I don’t know a soul and attending UM (:!</p>

<p>I picked UM over FIU! haha :slight_smile:
the campus is lovely, and the academic opportunities seem attractive to me. also, the people and the supposed diversity interest me! looking forward to a great year!</p>

<p>UC Davis- I’m from California, but I really wanted to get out of the state. Davis was still a really good school, but the class sizes were big. Only freshman live on campus, and I wanted to get away from Asian nation. </p>

<p>Drexel- I liked the school, but didn’t really like Phili outside of the Drexel/Penn campus area. There isn’t a lot of school spirit with mens basketball being the only big sport. There are also a lot of in state students, and many from Phili who just commute. I wanted a campus that was more defined and had things going on. </p>

<p>Michigan State- I was in the honors program and they were giving me money. I felt it was also really big, and it was a bit of work getting to campus (fly from LAX to Detroit, then take a bus). I also wanted a better academic school.</p>

<p>My son picked UM over USC, Carnegie Mellon, UC Irvine, Loyola Marymount, Syracuse (Bandier), Drexel and Indiana. The UM Music Engineering major in the school of music just stood out as the best fit for him. Oh yeah, and the generous merit scholarship was a real plus too.</p>