I require the wisdom that is CC plz

<p>Okay so here are my prospective schools, UC everyone except maybe Merced and Riverside,Washington U,maybe NYU.</p>

<p>My Info: I'm a half-white half-asian male (I'm probably going to say white on apps.), I'm ridiculously low-income (but still loving life), I attend a public school in SoCal, and am in the top 5% of my class.
Grades/scores:my Freshman GPA is 3.58 UW but UCs don't care about that,my </p>

<p>UC GPA is about 3.7,my overall GPA including freshman weighted is 3.95 w/o freshman its 4.07, my AP scores are 5s in World History, Euro, and Bio; 4s in Eng. lang.,USH,Physics B, and Art History.my ACT is 29 composite with and 8 for my essay,I got 750's on SAT Subjects in Bio, Physics, and USH. I haven't taken my reasoning yet but what scores do I need??</p>

<p>ECs: nothing too special I've done 250 hours service helping with Angilides campaign when he ran against Arnold(and got terminated), and 50 hours helping at a Mormon thing(and I'm not Mormon),This will be my 4th year compting in Academic Decath., and third year on Varsity academic league.Haha no summer activities this year besides summer school but anyways anybody's contribution is welcome no matter how harsh lol and advice please and other colleges I might want to look into please</p>

<p>bump help me please</p>