I sent the wrong writing sample

<p>In the beginning of December, I sent my on-line application o the PhD in Comparative Literature at an Ivy-League University, just before the deadline. However, I realized only this morning that I sent them a not completely polished version of my writing sample - it has at least two terribly misplaced phrases, at the beginning and at the end of the text. </p>

<p>I was wondering whether I could/should write to the Admissions Service and/or the Department of Comparative Literature itself to ask if they would accept that I sent them the polished version now.</p>

<p>What would you suggest me to do?</p>

<p>I had a very similar problem. I sent the wrong CV with wrong school's name at the top. I e-mailed the Department Secretary who had been very pleasant in the past, explained the situation, and she was very nice about replacing it for me. The least you can do is try.</p>

<p>My guess is that departments are not yet looking at files, so you have ample time to replace the writings sample. The challenge will be to figure out who has the files - the graduate school or the department. A phone call to the department secretary (or email, but I might opt for a phone call) should sort this out quickly. But schools are not in session for at least another week, so I wouldn't expect to reach anyone until then...</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies, al15 and porkypig. I wrote to the department, and they said that I should try to sort this with the graduate admissions sector. In turn, the admissions replied to me like this:</p>

<p>"I am sorry we do not open email attachments due to virus threat. The only way we can accept materials for your applicant file is by mail. Once received this will be added to your file, please note, we do not remove items form an applicant file.</p>


<p>Do you think I should bother sending them the hardcopy of the sample? Or do you think my application is definitely ruined? I would spend a lot of money to send it by express delivery (I live in South America). In addition, the school is definitely a reach to me. The deadline for my match uni is as late as mid-January.</p>

<p>You know what? I don't think you should send another copy, and I don't think your app is ruined, either.</p>

<p>If they specifically said they will only add and not replace, sending it will only draw attention to mistakes. On the other hand, while the writing sample is important, I don't think a phrase or two will kill you. If it's a reach, then it is what it is. You have other applications. Take a deep breath and relax. I recommend ice cream.</p>

<p>^ I agree. If they won't take out anything, then there's no point.</p>