<p>I really hope this doesn't mean what I think it means... And also how do I send this future November earlier to one of my universities?
Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>worried bump :/</p>
<p>Well, I managed to get it fixed. For some reason I was already signed up for a makeup, which I opted out of thankfully. Thanks for nothing, you 56 people who didn’t bother to say anything. I didn’t know this was a forum filled with the people I play with in my online games.
Edit: Changed 46 to 56. That’s pretty sad. Worst of luck to you puzzling species (I can’t call you people) in college acceptance stuff.</p>
<p>Not everyone who looks at your thread will have the expertise necessary to provide a helpful answer. If they don’t, they will politely move on without saying anything. </p>
<p>Could they pause to say “Sorry, I don’t know”? Certainly, but the signal-to-noise ratio of this forum is improved if they simply move on. It’s actually good Internet etiquette to say nothing if you have nothing to say.</p>
<p>And in the case of a poster who is so impatient they can only wait 11 minutes before bumping their thread, not everyone who does have expertise will arrive in time to answer before you have already deemed them–en masse–to be less than human.</p>
<p>I’m glad you found your own solution.</p>
<p>I knew that would get someone to respond.
By the way, I waited twelve hours and no response was given. And bumping my thread just after 11 minutes was me being worried and has no relevance to this argument. </p>
<p>It’s OK to be worried, but you seem to believe your worry entitles you to be disrespectful to those who are here providing aid out of a genuine sense of service.</p>