<p>Have my sats this saturday but I just realized my photo got cropped on the ticket and now cits off about a cm of my hair above my forehead and while Im blatantly recognizible I think it gives the people at the door reason to potentially deny me entrance so I dont know what to do. I emailed collegeboard over the weekendbut they're not open and they emailed mesaying thwy weremt going to change it because yesterday was the last day and yesterday was also the day I emailed them :/ </p>
<p>But at the same time theres a chance ill get in because its nothing too horrible but im afraid because of my email college board cancelled my exam wothout telling me- can they do that? </p>
<p>Taking the SAT this Sat. as well. You should have been more careful when taking your photo. I am not sure if you could get in… Anyone?
<p>I guess it depends on how strict your testing center is. Mine didn’t have a door check and the proctor just breezed through the rows of desks to check ID’s and admission tickets. </p>
<p>@Katherine15 I was careful the photo I uploaded fit the requirements exactly, it just cropped the photo without me doing it and I never realized. @hqureshi11, yeah I think that’s just the case cause my guidance counselor said for the ACT’s they’ve let in people in my situation before. So I’m giving it a shot anyways. fingers crossed it works out</p>
<p>Hopefully you should still be allowed in. If it were a passport photo, on the other hand, probably not.</p>