I wanna get into HPME

<p>the "chance me" is overwhelmed with the senior threads... so im gonna post it here lol.</p>

<p>I'm gonna be a junior but can you still chance me so i can know a general direction of where im heading?</p>

<p>Early's that i want to do: Brown, Dartmouth, Yale, Northwestern, or Stanford</p>

<p>Rank: 1/670
Ethnicity: asian male
GPA: W-4.79, UW-3.98
SAT: n/a but around 2200 right now from the practice tests
PSAT: n/a
ACT: n/a
SAT II: Bio-740, Korean-800, Chem-670(gonna retake); will take USH, Math II/c, World History, and Physics
AP's: Human geo-4, Bio-4, Euro-4 (yeah i know i slacked off)
Community college classes:
-Spanish 101 (equivalent of spanish 1&2)-"A"
-Spanish 102 (eq. spanish 3)-"A"
-Spanish 201 (eq. AP Spanish)-"A"
-Math 140 (Statistics)-"A"
-Cross Country (since 9th grade)
-Track and Field (since 9th grade)
-Concert Choir Accompanist (since 10th grade)
-Piano (since i was like 8)
-Circle of Friends (Treasurer)(since 10th grade)
-Science Olympiad (Secretary)(since 9th grade)
-Key Club (since this summer haha)
-National Honor Society(since 9th grade)
-California Scholarship Federation(since 9th grade)
-Pathfinders Christian Club(since 9th grade)
-Debate(since 9th grade)
Volunteer work:
-American Cancer Society's Camp Summer Sault
-Special Olympics
-Native American Mission Trip
-Mexico Mission Trip</p>

-Scholar Athlete
-Viking Valor Award
-Track and Field Highest GPA winner 07
-Cross Country Highest GPA winner 08
-Choir Scholarship for Accompanist
I know my awards are weak, but this coming year, i plan on winning awards from Sci. Oly, some math competitions, and piano competitions.</p>

<p>Junior Schedule:
-AP Lang
-AP Calc BC
-AP Psychology
-AP Physics B
-AP US History
-Cross Country/ Track
-Self study world history?</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
-Calculus III and Linear Algebra at community college
-AP Lit
-AP US Gov. & AP Comparative Gov. (both semester classes)
-AP Music Theory
-AP Art History
-Ap Env Sci
-X-Country/ Track

<p>Schools in interest: Dartmouth, Yale, Princeton, Northwestern, UPenn, JHU, Stanford, Brown, UCB, UCLA, UCSD, WUSTL, Cornell, Columbia</p>

<p>Prospective major: Biomedical Technology or Neuroscience</p>

<p>That college list is ambitious, but your stats so far are excellent. You're definitely on the right track. Your extracurrics are great, just keep at them and rise in the ranks. It's a little bit early to really give a comprehensive and useful "chances" appraisal though. </p>

<p>It looks from this that you're good at piano. If so, then it might be a good idea to make a supplemental music resume and record some pieces to send to colleges. And ah, interesting (pathfinders). Isn't that an SDA organization? I was talking to my admissions officer, and she said that colleges are looking at religious diversity nowadays too. </p>

<p>Might I suggest adding MIT and Caltech to this list? any kind of Tech at these places is top notch.</p>

<p>Overall, you look like a good northwestern applicant. However, i dont really see anything that would pull you into hpme. I feel like a lot fo times they like to see demonstrated interest in medical sciences, so that might be an area to work on</p>

<p>thanks for the suggestions guys... haha i dont wanna apply to MIT or CalTech because i dont think i'm going to be happy there. and besides, i heard that there are no girls in Cal Tech.</p>

<p>btw, whats an SDA organization?</p>

<p>" i heard that there are no girls in Cal Tech",<br>
30% are girls since last year.</p>

<p>which means that the boys to girls ratio is 7:3? which does mean that there are more than twice the number of boys to girls, which pretty much sucks.</p>

<p>It was 9:1 before</p>

<p>To be honest, it’s going to be really difficult. You have to have even stellar AP’s and SAT’s. Those won’t really cut it. I applied to HPME as well and didn’t make it to interview’s and I had mainly 5’s and 800’s. You definitely have to show them you have a passion for medicine. Not just any reason but something that shows you have the determination and drive that influenced you to be a doctor. You basically have to somehow show being a doctor is all you ever wanted to be.</p>

<p>All I can say is that at Princeton they are looking for a passion. A great for learning.</p>