<p>Thanks for the review :)</p>
<p>Your GPA, rank, and ACT's are all obviously in the range for the schools you are considering. </p>
<p>I wouldn't be concerned about your lack of a ridiculous amount of Honors and AP classes; your school profile and counselor's report should take care of explaining your situation.</p>
<p>Your EC's are good and definitely show a lot of activity within your community. </p>
<p>All in all, the numbers and EC's are there. You don't have that one thing that makes you a clear admit everywhere (recruited athlete, nationally ranked something-or-other), but you've certainly got the academic and leadership potential to go anywhere. </p>
<p>The Ivie's are very difficult to comment on, but you're definitely in the competitive applicants pool. The other schools should be matches for you.</p>