<p>just kidding. but i wish i could actually go
but please reply! i would really appreciate your feedback!</p>
Male, senior from a small-town Nebraska school
Middle Class Income</p>
GPA: 4.0/4.0 - my school doesnt do weighted grades
Rank: 1/299
ACT: 34 Comp (35 Eng - 34 Math - 31 Reading - 35 Science - 09 Writing)
AP's: Calc BC - 4, AB Subscore - 4, US History 3
I will be taking the SAT II's in Nov. for Math II, Lit, and Spanish w/Listening
I will be expecting a high score</p>
<p>Junior Schedule:
AP Calc
AP US History
Spanish 3rd year
Adv. English</p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Biology
Spanish 4th Year
Adv. Forensics
AP Government
AP Literature and Composition</p>
<p>Dual Credit with Community College - Intro to Sociology
Dual Credit with Community College - Applied Calculus
Dual Credit with George Washington University - Intro to Microeconomics</p>
<p>I know this schedule might not seem that tough compared to other schools, but I have taken all the hardest classes our school has to offer. Our school offers only 5 AP's and I have taken them all. In addition, I have taken classes dual credit classes with the local community college</p>
*Editor-in-Chief of my student paper (participated in paper 10th to 12th)
-I was Assistant Editor my junior year. This takes up a lot of my time outside of class
*Speech President - Speech is also my huge passion. I have won over 30 medals/trophies in my career and have Special Distinction under the National Forensics League (member of speech team 10th to 12th)
*Drama Club Vice President (participated 10th to 12th) - Lead roles in many plays
*National Honor Society Treasurer (participated 11th to 12th)
*Class Secretary for 2009
*Mock Trial (9th -12th)
*Orchestra Vice President - 11th
*Orchestra Secretary - 12th
- participated in Orchestra ever since 6th grade</p>
*(9th to 11th) I was part of a community connections crew which helped set up local events throughout the community especially for teens
*(10th-12th) Tutor in school
* Helped out with Annual Blood Drive
ehh i know i am a little dry when it comes to volunteering. hopefully i can pick it up some this year.</p>
National Merit Semi-finalist (Pos. Finalist)- 1 of 2 from our local district
Attended Asian American Journalist Association Camp - they selected 42 kids from across the nation and from all backgrounds to attend this camp in miami for free
Air Force Math and Science Award
Academic Letters, Speech Letters, Orchestra Letters
Numerous Speech and Debate awards (over 30)</p>
<p>Can you chance me for Yale SCEA?
and also for
Wash. U in St. Louis
U of Chicago
UNC-Chapel Hill
<p>I think my advantages are the fact that I am from a very rural area in Nebraska, and that I am Asian but not interested in math or science fields. I want to pursue journalism or business. I am also involved in drama and speech. Basically, I'm not one of the math and science type asians. Does this help my chances? Sorry if this is a long post...please reply!</p>