I want to major in music but my parents don't want me to. How can I convince them that I'll be fine?

Try asking in the Music Major subforum

As you read there, are you in the same boat as others who have applied for music majors? Do you have vocal teacher? have you been taking lessons? Are you prepared for auditions?

Definitely read this:

and especially: Double Degree Dilemma essay (written by David Lane) which gives examples of different kinds of students who want to study music and what options are open to them.

You understand where you are coming from…but try also to think about where your parents are coming from.

They will fund your college…but they also want for you to be able to support yourself after college. What IS your plan to support yourself? You don’t mention that. Is there a second major you could do that would give you other options? Is there a certificate program you could do after you graduate? Like become a paralegal or something?