i want to transfer to UGA

<p>I am still in high school and i'm not sure if i can get into UGA as a freshman. if i dont get in i want to transfer there. Does anyone know a good college in the southeast (preferably georgia) that would be easy to get into UGA as a transfer student.</p>

<p>Gainesville State, which is not very far away from UGA itself. I know a lot of friends who went to Gainesville State for the first two years, and then they transferred to UGA this year.</p>

<p>also if i helps first i want to go to a college with pre pharmacy, transfer to UGA college of pharmacy to get my major in pharmacy</p>

<p>You don't need a pre-pharmacy track to get into pharmacy school - just check their requirements and make sure you take all the re-req classes. I've spoken to UGA's college of pharmacy, MCPHS, Albany College of Pharmacy, and Temple University's college of pharmacy; all have told me this:
-They accept a variety of majors, and rather that than someone concentrating 100% on pharm related studies (though one can get in with either as long as they have the grades and the pre-reqs done).
-They prefer that students have a bachelors completed before applying (though one could easily complete the pre-reqs in an associates program, or even without getting a diploma.
(this is part common knowledge, but)-All students have to take, and pass the PCATS before applying, and you can't really 'transfer in' to pharmacy school, it involves a whole new application process (even going from UGA to UGA pharm). Only way to transfer into a pharm program is from another pharm program.</p>

<p>Also, as far as pre-pharm goes, the pharm schools pre-reqs match up pretty well, so you don't need to decide which you want to go to before picking undergrad classes. I know schools in GA with pre-pharm include UGA and Oxford (Emory's 2 year school extension in Covington, GA).</p>

<p>Phew, it's good to know my months of asking questions and researching all this may actually come in handy for someone else.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>thanks for the help because i really dont know how all of this works im only a freshman but i know i want to go to UGA pharm.</p>

<p>If you can go to Georgia Perimeter College it helps because it has a TAP agreement with UGA.</p>