<p>That's right! I've decided to give up scholarly pursuits so that I can attend the nationally recognized Dating School at U of C! If I can do it, you can too!</p>
<p>Who's with me? No one. Great. All by myself in a dating school...how depressing</p>
<p>psst... ollie... those are the lab mice from the psych lab.</p>
<p>Oh god, I should have known. Now I'll have shredder children; half rat, half human. U wouldn't happen to have any rodenticide (i love that word!!!!)?</p>
<p>well, if you ring a bell and flash lights at them, but don't produce any food, they'll probably get confused and leave. the wonders of conditioning.</p>
<p>Either that or they'll eat me. hmmmm...</p>
<p>Now i'm really scared</p>
<p>U of C: where the lab mice are more aggressive than the squirrels.</p>
<p>Yea. This is lame. Not gonna lie.</p>
<p>we appreciate your honesty.</p>
<p>it's the internet, of course it's lame.</p>
<p>So my coolness here isnt a realistic portrayal of my actual coolness?</p>
<p>But, i've already told my friends and loved ones.</p>
<p>i'm not responsible for my actions after 12:00. sorry.</p>
<p>I love how on the west coast, when I'm up until 1, and people are still posting, I realize that east coast kids are up at 4 and don't feel so silly.</p>
<p>...i just feel silly, period.</p>
<p>bet you a hundred bucks that I feel sillier for posting</p>
<p>bet u I could go crazy at any moment and go streaking down my block</p>
<p>save it for kuviasungnerk.</p>
<p>lmao. i can hardly believe that something like that would exist but I wouldn't mind being proven wrong about that.</p>
<p>right. anyone who is still up I DEMAND the best explanation you can come up with for my Spanish teacher tomorrow.
You see there was this essay we were supposed to write.
And then there was CC.</p>
<p>...and CC won.
and I am screwed.</p>
<p>haha, what do you need to write about?</p>
<p>i'm in AP, i'm supposed to be able to help... or something...</p>