<p>i was punching another guy VERY hard after school, and the principle happened to walk by. he got my name, and said he will talk to me tomorrow. EVERY single person who got into a fight so far got suspended.</p>
<p>i am applying to ivies and ucs. do colleges see that i got suspended for violence?</p>
<p>This one guy was caught smoking weed in the parking lot yesterday and is probably going to be expelled. Why did you even think about engaging in physical violence when it obviously almost destroys your chances of getting into college? Colleges look at this seriously and most likely will look at it on the transcript.</p>
<p>Umm if the dude charges you, and you have to go to court, then yes, you usually have to note that in your application. The applications usually ask something like whether you’ve previously been convicted of felonies or not. But, if they don’t ask you, then don’t tell. DON’T ASK DONT TELL</p>
<p>What Ivies you applying to? What’s your GPA? Just curious</p>
<p>If that’s true, then get him to go to the principle and explain the situation. Don’t explain it yourself. Thats too shady. And don’t go with him. Have him go and be genuinely concerned for your future and how this will affect it, and I think you’ll be okay. </p>
<p>You’ll be suprised how much homies will pull through for you when you are in trouble. I almost got a misdemeanor but my best friend took the blame (mainly because he’s a dropout and I’m a hopeful lawyer). Always been best homies for life ever since.</p>
<p>Great to hear that a future lawyer let someone else take the fall for them.
As far as the OP it won’t matter if the “homie” wants to charge you or not. If your principal (please learn to spell it) is set on suspending you it will go on your record and likely the schools will see it.<br>
Some schools won’t show a suspension on the transcript though, so if your GC has already done your recs and checked the “no suspensions or explusions” box you might be fine. They won’t go back and go out of their way to let the schools know unless there are extenuating circumstances.</p>
<p>and if it was a “show”, just tell him to tell the principal you were just playing around, unless of course you were physically crushing him, in which case I would not call it a “show”, rather it would be abuse.</p>
<p>And why would you even consider punching someone with applying to college right around the corner, you must be a moron. Like really, show or not, I would have saved it till after school, and not on school property at the least. I wouldnt even consider laying a finger on anyone, knowing that it could potentially hurt me in the eyes of recommenders and colleges</p>
<p>oh really, i thought most seniors, especially those applying to ives and ***** would care about college admissions, but i guess some people have better things to do than dwell on getting into the ives like beating the living ***** out of people as a “show”. I guess thats a reasonable alternative to being obsessed with college admissions, right?</p>
<p>But hey thats just me, i guess you value violence more than getting into your dream college</p>
<p>yea, lol my fault i didnt mean to annihilate daman, but I hate it when someone attacks another person for no apparent reason, so I responded, eat it(refering to daman)</p>