<p>Well, long story short, I have an extremely competitive public high school, last year we sent 8 kids to ivies. I am a smart kid, but sophomore and junior year were tricky for me. Anyways I've managed 120.5 weighted gpa (my school has weird weighting), anyways I'd need a 121 gpa to get inside the top 10 which is possible. So without further ado, here are my stats!
SAT (taking a second time on october)
CR:690 (750+)
M:760 (760+)
W:660 (730+)</p>
<p>SAT 2s
Math 2: 750
Lit: 700</p>
<p>GPA: 3.86
Rank: explained earlier</p>
<p>Extracurriculars (all of these are four year activities)
MAth Team
Mock Trial (state champ)
Jazz BAnd
Teaching assistant at Synagogue
SUmmer Camp counselor</p>
NAtional Honor Society
Maroon Medal Society (something at my high school)</p>
<p>Not applying for FA</p>
<p>RECS: Great</p>
<p>Essay: Great
Concrete List
Johns Hop
Boston U</p>
<p>You have very good scores and an excellent GPA. As long as you maintain your GPA I’m sure you can get into a lot of the mentioned schools. Tufts and Claremont are amazing schools (but I’m sure you know that haha).</p>
<p>UVA EA - DEfinite Match
Tufts - Target
Bowdoin - Target
Colby - Target
WUSTL - Slight reach
Johns Hop - Slight reach
Boston U - Target
Kenyon - Target
Pomona - Slight reach
Davidson - High Target
Claremont McKenna - Not sure about this school
UNC-CH - Target</p>
<p>Your SAT score is solid as is your GPA! Your SAt 2’s are also pretty good! Try to see if you can bring up your SAT more for JHU or WUSTL, but other than that, you have a good chance!!</p>
<p>I think that for the schools you are applying for, you have a pretty good math; however, for Tufts/Pomona/Claremont/BU you might want a bit higher SAT score. Your ranking is very good, and your ECs are strong as well. Mock Trial State Champ is impressive.
For your first list, I would say they are all low targets, with Johns Hopkin being low/mid reach.
Second list, most all low/mid reach, but with a higher SAT score I would say they could become low reach/ high targets.
Hope that helped, be sure to chance me back :D</p>
<p>UVA (OOS) EA - high match
Tufts - high match
Bowdoin - match
Colby - match
WUSTL - high match/low reach
Johns Hop - high match/low reach
Boston U - low match
Kenyon - match
Pomona- low reach
Davidson - match/high match
Claremont McKenna- low/mid reach (it’s kind of a coin toss, but i think you should fare well)
UNC-CH OOS - high match</p>
<p>I think you have great stats. I am not too familiar with some of your schools but I feel like you could be including more upper tier schools in your list.</p>