IB and college admission

<p>Hey guys I was just want to know that for those who took the ib diploma what colleges did u get in to? This will help me decide on whether or not to do ib.</p>

<p>I’m a senior on track for completing my IB Diploma later this year. I got admitted to Penn. I can speak for some of my other friends in declaring their success through the IB program. There are currently about 70 or so IB students in my year and we have a Penn, 2 UChicago’s, a Cornell, and a Georgia Tech. In the regular decision round I am hoping for 4-7 more Top 15 acceptances. </p>

<p>Although the IB diploma is a great plus to have on your application, the great thing about this program is one’s development as a student and the family that forms around one’s IB class.</p>

<p>I’m a diploma candidate, and I’ve been accepted to Notre Dame. Two of my fellow IB’ers are going to Ivies (Harvard and Penn) and a another is going to the Naval Academy.</p>

<p>Many people from my school have done the IB program, and their final college acceptances and decisions have ranged from the local community college to Yale (both in the same class, too). It’s definitely not about the diploma to colleges, but the student.</p>

<p>At our D’s high school, we have tracked this information for a number of years. Each students ECs vary, so that does impact the results, but overall the IB students are admitted to more selective colleges than the students who do not do IB.</p>

<p>Most of my friends who went to the IB program was a perfect GPA or close to prefect GPA got into top schools.</p>

<p>It definitely helps you get into college. I myself have gotten into UPitt, Northeastern, and UIUC with a 3.26 UW </p>

<p>Just in my class alone right now we have 2 going to Penn, 1 to Yale, 2 to UChicago, 1 Princeton, 1 Stanford, 4 MIT, 5 Duke, and 2 ND</p>

<p>This has only been the early so far too. So I would say it definitely helps.</p>

<p>Aw that’s so cool, I’m a junior in IB right now and my top choice is ND! I plan on applying RD though</p>

<p>Awilo you should apply early action to Notre Dame. It doesn’t hurt at all unless you wanna wait until after 1st semester senior year grades.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’d rather wait. I’m also an African American female and I want to see how my grades look…</p>

<p>"Many people from my school have done the IB program, and their final college acceptances and decisions have ranged from the local community college to Yale (both in the same class, too). It’s definitely not about the diploma to colleges, but the student. "</p>

<p>This about sums it up. Saying IB on your application per se won’t get someone into a college or an elite one. It only shows you are applying yourself at school. Your school grades, ECs, test scores and recommendations paint the rest of the picture. If you do IB but are not doing well in classes, it won’t make any difference to colleges that you are doing IB.</p>

<p>Dartmouth, Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, Syracuse, Boston</p>

<p>I agree with youanda and texaspg. I graduated from the IB program in 2008. Approximately 20 of my classmates went to Ivies, the rest went some prestigious state schools and few even went to community colleges.</p>

<p>Colleges are interested in a person who challenges themselves academically and prepares themselves for the rigors of college. IB is one of a few ways that you can explore academics and prove your success in a challenging curriculum, but it is not the only way. Merely having “IB” on your application does not instantly make colleges accept you. I did not apply to any Ivy Leagues because I knew if I was accepted I probably couldn’t afford them. Although I will say IB did open up a lot of doors and opportunities for me in the way of academic scholarships. I was accepted into every college I applied to. </p>

<p>Your choice to enroll in the IB program should be because you genuinely want to, not because you think it will help you get into college. AP is also an option you should look into.</p>

<p>The big ones I heard about from graduating seniors last year was someone going to Stanford and our valedictorian going to UC Berkeley.</p>