IB AND IVY: did your 2 years pay off?!

<p>Who on cc did the IB diploma and got into ivy leagues other top schools? Is the dp really worth it in terms of college acceptances</p>

<p>In my graduating class, we have 3 kids going to Ivies (Harvard, Penn, and Cornell), 1 girl headed for the Naval Academy, and I’m off to Notre Dame. </p>

<p>Honestly, though, the DP == dream school. My class also has IB grads who are attending back-ups or community college. So it definitely varies.</p>

<p>I have friends who were in diploma programme with me who are going to Cornell, Columbia, Northwestern, Rice, American, etc. with good scholarship for some. I think it does look impressive but that the acceptances may have more to do with the extra points added on to our GPAs for IB classes, giving DP kids great rankings at my school, among other factors.</p>

<p>Worth it:
IB is seen as an equivalent to AP in most american colleges. Out of the U.S IB is definitely a big deal when it comes to acceptance, but inside the U.S it mainly serves as a boost to GPA. One of the pros of IB is that even if you don’t get the diploma, having ‘Diploma Candidate’ on your transcript looks nice for college. If you don’t have an AP alternative, then do IB. One thing NOT to do is go to a school with IB/AP and not do the program. Colleges (good ones) want to see that you that you took the most strenuous course load possible. (Their are ways to take an ‘easy’ IB course load, buts that’s a different story)</p>

<p>The big take away from IB is not the diploma, its the college prep. Everyone who did IB has told me that they found college much easier, and are prepared for it unlike many of their peers.</p>

I personally didn’t apply to many (three colleges) but from those who did:
Georgia Tech -multiple; USC-Berkley - multiple; Duke - multiple; UChicago - Multiple Brown - a few; Swathemore - all that applied Washington University in St.Louis - Multiple
Others that not as many people applied to:
Princeton, Welsley, Carnegie Melon, Naval Acadamy, UNC, Washington & Lee… and quite a few more (we did bad compared to previous years)</p>

<p>Most of my class stayed in-state, but got tons of money, and most are in the honors programs/accelerated programs in college as well as other highly selective programs.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat. I’m a rising junior and I chose IB over AP for knowledge purposes. However since they are viewed the same in Ivy League colleges, it would probably make more sense to take AP. IB is high risk/high reward since many people flame out.</p>