IB Diploma Candidate with mediocre GPA

I am currently an IB/AP student in the United States with a 3.6 unweighted throughout my high school year. I had a majority of A’s with a few (6 to be exact) B’s and one C. However, junior year, I was able to only get one 6 A’s and 1 B.
Will the fact that I am taking a rigorous program help with selective colleges despite my low gpa?

Your subjects are kind of interesting for your intended major (no meaty HLS for eng, you have 2 languages at HL and history?). If you are aiming at selective schools, they just want it all, a good ACT, a good GPA and HLs/rigour in subjects that line up with your major, what you need to do is line up your stats with a school that fits them, and a major that seems linked to your HLs. Your ACT is below 30 and you have no subject scores yet, right?

I am doing SAT and aiming for 2000+ . I have not taken math 2 and physics sat 2 just yet. By the way, my major will either be applied mathematics or computer engineering for match and safety schools.

Why no HL math, do you have BC calc in there? And your computer eng love, where is that reflected in your curriculum, or is that all EC?

I am in pre cal for 11th grade. A majority of BC calculus are going for SL mathematics. No one is doing hl in my school. So I’m going for math SL too. It’s a stretch but I can manage.

And my ec’s are focused on computer related subjects and majors. (Such as computer science).

You definitely need to start looking at CDS for your stats rather than focusing on selective. Start making a list of safety and match schools. Reaches are the easy bit.

@Alfonsia Alright. Thanks for your advice! I appreciate it.