IB extended essay

<p>I was wondering if anyone hs any suggestion for a cool extended essay? I'm thinking math or one of the languages ( english and spanish).</p>

<p>if you decide on one make sure no one has ever heard of it...it helps boost score!</p>

<p>I'm doing mine over classical latin...</p>

<p>I'm doing mine in Music and I don't take Music Theory. God help me.</p>

<p>i did mine in math..ours was due over a month ago</p>

<p>I did mine in math. I wouldn't advise anyone else to do the same. </p>

<p>I'd suggest a language, generally your A1. A friend of mine picked a theme out of her favorite book and was able to extend it to another. She really enjoyed writing her essay. The key is picking a topic you love. If you enjoy math go ahead, if not so much pick something else. A math EE takes a lot of work. Way more than the hours the IB suggests.</p>

<p>Everyone seems to say that either a language or science essay is always the best.</p>

<p>A guy at my school did his EE on contraceptives and now he knows more about the pill than I do...</p>

<p>My school discourages doing languages other than English...it requires a pretty high degree of fluency to do well, and could really limit your choice of a mentor. Most people at my school do either English or history and the grades are generally pretty high.</p>

<p>Mine is in Peace and Conflict Studies.
It's due in about two weeks and I have about 2200 words so far. :)</p>

<p>I’m doing my EE in math as well. My question is Banach Matchbox Problem. Is it a good topic for EE?</p>