<p>I go to an international school, where (literally) everybody takes the IB. Because of this, the average score is pretty uniformly a 5, with 6s being hard to attain and 7s nearly impossible. I was new to the school in 9th grade, and got mostly 5s/6s, but with a few 4s (ick) tossed in there as well. </p>

<p>My worry is that my school doesn't provide GPA or ranks. I know most schools will calculate their own GPA based on my grades, but without the rank it's impossible for them to know that students do not get 6s/7s. </p>

<p>Currently, I have:</p>

<p>HL Chem: 5 (aiming for a 6 next semester)
HL History: 7
HL Bio: 6 (aiming for a 7 next semester)
SL Language and Literature: 6
SL Spanish: 6
SL Math: 6</p>

<p>I'm happy with these scores, but I'm worried that 9th/10th grade is going to really harm my chances. Will schools take into account that I take the IB, and that it's harder than AP? (I'm applying ED to Bowdoin, if that adds any perspective)</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch! :)</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as you! I I am from Germany but came to the US as a sophomore…problem is, in Germany literally nobody cared about their grades and neither did I. Sophomore year, I was thrown into an IB school which, compared to my old school, was an immense challenge for me (especially in English). My sophomore grades are not terrible, but not great either. My first two trimesters of junior year are just “fine” too. I just feel like being an international student at an IB school should be respected in admissions. I am applying ED to Bowdoin too by the way! :slight_smile:
I’m sorry for this long message, I know it’s not really helpful haha…</p>