Ib math studies vs algebra 2/trig

Should I take ib math studies junior and senior year or regular algebra 2/trig and pre calc senior year? I’m going in to software engineering/computer science.Feel free to recommend alternatives also,thanks!

IB math studies SL is for students who will not need more heavy duty math in the future. In contrast, algebra 2 and precalculus are preparation for calculus and other more advanced math in college (as you probably will, given your intended major).

So I should take the regular courses instead of ib? W

I am going to guess that both will be adequate prep for calculus. IB SL includes some calc, some stats – more of a survey of math topics. The other route will take you to calc’s doorstep. I would say that if you aren’t going to take calculus in high school, pick the one with the best teaching.

Is there any way you could do the 2 year math SL track so that you would have calculus in high school?

I would say you should take the latter. To be honest, IB Math studies does not go as in depth with topics necessary for calc as pre calc. Some of the stuff taught in math studies will not help you in calculus…like at all. I don’t foresee you needing to use venn diagrams for calculus. The route you proposed sounds really good to me because that is the foundation you need to be successful in calculus. Math studies touches the surface with these topics. From my personal experience, since I have taken all these courses except for trig, the only thing math studies teaches you that you may or may not learn in pre calc would be optimization. But other than that you are much better off not taking math studies. I do know that Math SL is much more comprehensive and if you can you should take that but honestly, just skip math studies.

I could try to take a course in the summer,maybe algebra 2/trig this summer or pre calc the summer after junior year?

IB math studies SL is for those who do not need to take more advanced math. “Students likely to need mathematics for the achievement of further qualifications should be advised to consider an alternative mathematics course.”

Comparison of the various IB math courses: https://www.ibo.org/programmes/diploma-programme/curriculum/mathematics/mathematics/

Thank you!

Look at the course requirements at several of the schools you are considering to see what you will need. It is almost certainly calculus but perhaps not a lot beyond that.

I would also have a discussion about this with your math teacher (and perhaps with folks at schools you are considering. )

I agree with @ucbalumnus BUT that info is offered in the context of choosing between IB math studies, IB SL math, and IB HL math. IB math studies is definitely the lightweight in that group and the only one that doesn’t offer a full year of calculus. Algebra plus precalc is a more direct line to calculus. Neither is great prep for a quantitative field of study.

Fwiw, the kids I know who did math studies and took calculus in college did fine. But they did it to fulfill requirements, not as part of a physics or engineering program (which is consistent with the description above.)

Why not ask your math teacher, or the math chairman at your school? Either will know exactly what those courses in your school entail, and will be better able to advise you than strangers online.

Algebra2H+Precalculus H are better than Math Studies.
Algebra2+Precalculus would also cover more math coxots you’d need for college since AFAIK Math Studies only brushes on precalculus. It is explicitly not designed for you to take calculus.
Finally focus on colleges where CS is NOT in the school of engineering.

Math studies is a joke class for diploma students. Most colleges won’t accept math studies as a substitute for math

Actually colleges accept Math Studies as part of their math entrance requirement. They will not give college credit but it’s not designed to. (Many colleges won’t give credit for SL, regardless).