I’d like to major in either biomedical engineering in college, or economics and finance. I know that engineering colleges highly encourage students to take physics in high school to gain a strong foundation. Next year will be my junior year. Should I take IB Biology SL or IB Physics SL? I feel that physics will be more beneficial to me, but it might bring my GPA down. Should I just take it senior year, so colleges know that I am taking physics, but cannot see my grade? Thanks!
If you want to be considered for top engineering programs, physics is the best options, almost to the point of necessity. If you can, consider even going Higher Level; I know it adds a lot of stress, but it’s what colleges want to see (believe me). You can worry about biology courses in college if you want to do biomedical; I applied for mostly biomedical engineering programs as well and got into a lot of them with taking one biology course in 9th grade. Good luck! Message me if you have any more questions about biomedical school applications or the likes.