IB Scores!

<p>So they just came out, I got my diploma, and I am DONE DONE DONE with IB forever.</p>

<p>Did you take math hl?</p>

<p>What website do you look them up on?</p>

<p>Got my diploma as well! So relieved.</p>

<p>I got it too, all that work wasn’t for nothing heh</p>

<p>My D got her bilingual diploma. :slight_smile: It seems somewhat anticlimactic though… She did better than expected in some subjects, worse than expected in other subjects, and was pleasantly surprised to get all 3 additional points (B on EE and A in TOK). Overall, she feels satisfied and will get a semester of credit at university for 2 of her HL. I’m glad that she didn’t have to make some cut-throat minimum score to meet conditional acceptance, like in some countries. But the biggest benefits she found were during the application process last fall. Now the actual results seem somewhat irrelevant except for HL credit.</p>

<p>Congrats KSAMom. My D also graduated with a bilingual diploma. She scored higher than her predicted score but we, too, had a surprise. She had a solid 7 in one of her HL courses for two yrs but had a bad day on the actual exam and scored a 5. Fortunately she also earned the extra 3 points.
There were also some surprises in her school. I heard that a few of her classmates didn’t meet their conditional scores and had to scramble to find another uni.</p>