IB Scores

Do IB Scores affect admission? I’m in my first of two years in the IB and I have 5s on all 7 of the AP Exams I’ve taken. But I have my IB Music performance in a week and I expect to fail, because I’m absolute garbage at piano and will forever hate myself for choosing to take that class. If I score poorly, and I will, will that affect my college admissions chances? I suppose there’s nothing I can do now, even it will, but I’d like to know nonetheless.

theoretically, no. As someone who only got 28/45 for the IB diploma (minimum 24 to get it), it never became a problem. Unless you are applying overseas, which take predicted scores very seriously, it should not matter at all. They know the scores of the test do not come out until later on. But what confuses me on this situation is that IB testing always happens in spring. Unless there is a fall testing date, but then it would not be a traditional IB program

I’m in IB Music so we have to play 1/2 of our repertoire in the fall and the other half in the spring, and both parts are recorded and evaluated for the IA, at least that’s how my school does it. If I am aiming for elite schools, do you still think the situation would be the same? Since I’m a junior, technically colleges would be able to see scores from exams I take this year, right?

@ohboy234 oh you are talking about IA’s. IA’s are factored in with your final score to determine your diploma. So no, they dont matter. As long as if you say you are going to get your diploma and you do you should be fine. Even then I have not heard of a case of someone getting rescinded because they did not get a diploma

An IA score will never be seen by a college and they will not request it. The only thing I have seen so far is the option to report IB exam scores (taken in April/May each year with results out in July) on a college application. And it is optional, like reporting AP scores. But your IA scores will not be an issue. And if you don’t do great on the IA, just do your best to do well on the exams!

Your IB score comes out well after U.S. university decisions are made. Although it is possible for a college to rescind your offer, it is very unlikely. That in turn tends to devalue the IB program for US university admission.